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Просмотров: 2956 | Добавил: admin | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
Всего комментариев: 2
2. QuentinEmack (QuentinEmack) [Материал]
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The one page real estate wordpress theme comes with advanced Agent and Agencies custom post types sections, were you can publish unlimited agents or agencies, real estate wordpress theme premium. And also you can assign it with your properties list. Free real estate wordpress website themes. Each property have an «Enquire now» button that will open a message form in a modal window. This message will go automatically to the assigned agent or agency. Or if the property doesn’t have any assigned agents it will be send to the site administrator email. Chek the wordpress real estate themes with idx integration. http://pingpong-vn.ucoz.ua/index/8-1/index/8-9026 - wordpress theme make The theme is integrated with PayPal payments, so your visitor?s properties will have the option to pay a tax until it will be accepted by the Administrator. Multilingual real estate wordpress theme is bout Luster. You can check this option on our demo preview using the credentials (Login – demo ; Password – demo) and see the minimal real estate wordpress theme. The property can be published automatically after a successful payment or it can be placed for a review, it depends what settings you will select in the Theme Options panel. Minimalist real estate wordpress theme. http://urgarant.at.ua/index/8-1738 - wordpress theme my login

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1. dokDassyclasy [Материал]
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